Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lunar Phase Reflections ~ Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

April 25 ~  Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees, 45 minutes Scorpio. 

Can you feel the pull of the depths?  The energies are no longer supporting superficial levels of relating.  We are being asked to remove the masks and bond at deep levels with OTHER.  The fiery, self-starting activity of the past 2 weeks now comes to a place of culmination.  The Sun, Mars and Venus are now in the sensual and peace-loving sign of Taurus, and at the full moon, they all oppose the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio.  Outer planets Pluto and Neptune weave their supportive trans-personal and evolutionary energies into the mix.  There is complexity, here..powerful emotional undercurrents, the urge to merge with others, hearts ready to be opened and the sense that we can only go so far with our endeavors without the reflection that is provided by others.  The eclipse brings even more intensity to this full moon and asks us to open up to a new era of our capacity to be transformed through intimacy with others.  The events unfolding now will touch us deeply.  Our relationships will be fueled with more desire from the depths of our souls.  At this time, we can see that not only devotion, passion and desire go towards creating an enriching bond, but also intention, structure and a willingness to look at what needs to be released in order for an even more refined vision of the relationship to evolve.  The planets in Taurus show a great need for stability, physical affection, sensual pleasures and peace, while the Scorpio planets seek change, intensity, passion and extremes of emotional experience that ignite healing and evolution.  A balance must be struck.  We cannot have one side without the other.  Each of us will come to our own insights about where we are with others in our lives.  For some, there may be a realization that the current relationships do not support the deeper sense of where you are headed at this time, and it may be time to say goodbye.  For others, it may be a time of exploring new depths of being within a potential new relationship.  It can also be a time of finding new depths of fulfillment within existing relationships.  No matter where you are in your exploration of INTIMACY and OTHER, reflect deeply on the MYSTERY OF RELATIONSHIP.  Let this eclipsed full moon bring light to your evolutionary path and how that path will always unfold through the spiraling process of relating to your Self through relating to the Other.

~ Old Sage


  1. Hey there Nick,
    Yes, this really hit home with me. My father passed away this past NEW moon (well, April 11 @ 5:30a.m. I KNEW he would pass around that time! Anyway, after a whirlwind funeral (My Dad had/has? BIG BIG ENERGY and trying to capture him, his "bigger than LIFE" energy and his non-stop 94 years was challenging but my family and I did a pretty good job of it. That *EVENT* was immediately followed by an equally whirlwind but absolutely GREAT visit by my old love and I getting together, (this happened prior to Dad dying via emails, calls, etc.) We hadn't seen each other in almost 11 years!

    I am aware of all these 11's here....hehe, even Scott's bd is 7-11!
    Lots of Master numbers!

    Well, now that all this whirlwind has "died down" (I guess literally and figuratively) and especially over this past FULL MOON, I am now feeling a depth of loss and a sense of depression that I didn't get a chance to feel until now.

    I feel a lot of fear (can I REALLY make it on my own, will self-dep eat me alive??? Stuff like that....

    As you may know, I was my dad's caregiver, esp. over the last year or so. I feel sometimes like I am just going thru the motions to get thru the day....thank goodness I have school today, a very esoteric class on Archetypes and I have a Damsel Archetype and wounded child Archetype. This is a class based off of Caroline Myss' work "Sacred Contracts".

    I KNOW my Dad and I had a Sacred Contract, and now I feel, well...lost and without a job! Then finding out some *deep family secrets* yesterday AND watching a video of my Dad titled "my legacy" was weird too.

    My father pretty much single-handedly formed and cemented familial ties with our family's origins in the country of Slovenia, and just this morning I got a fb chat email from my cousin Gregi over there, one to whom I have a deep connection and love for! It was a surprise to get this and its like what you said about getting to a new depth in relationships! uh oh...I think I maxed out how much I can type here.
    Anyway, I just wanted to share this stuff and how much your full moon post meant to me.
    Thank YOU Nick, and many blessings to you!
    Mari Lynn

    1. Thank you so much for sharing all of this, Mari Lynn, and for this great feedback. I do remember when you first reached out to TLE to let us know just how hard it was to be your Dad's caretaker. I can only imagine what this past year has been like for you. But judging by what you have shared and the way you have shared it, I think that you are feeling the DEPTH OF LOVE that exists between you and your dad. And that includes all the good, bad and ugly of that relationship over time. And all of those re-connections with loved ones! Awesome! life is awesome! I'm thinking of you and sending waves of love and energetic hugs your way on this day. And I hope you are having a blast in your "Sacred Contracts" class! Much peace and love to you, Mari Lynn!!! :-)

    2. Oh, and I almost forgot - YOU WILL MAKE IT. Self-dep ain't got a chance!!! ;-)
