Can you feel that Leo energy?
Leo, the bold expressive child-
Full of drama and play-
The joy of life!
Can you feel yourself as the Divine Child living to be creative and bold?
Shine and radiate your sun-
Warm rays of golden life-giving energy to fill us-
Inspire us!
Do you want an audience?
Why not?
Go ahead-
Perform for us.
Show us your creations.
Pretend you are 5 years old, and it's show-and-tell.
Fall in love.
Have sex in an open field under the stars.
There is creative energy ready to be freed!
It's the middle of summer, and there is no better time to be alive.
Play with your friends-
Go dancing-
Make some new ones.
Finger-paint the walls a funny color-
Clean it up tomorrow.
Now is the time to play, to be creative, to enjoy BEING HERE NOW-
Being ALIVE-
A unique being with a unique expression in the world.
Let the child come out to play.
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