June 23 ~ Full Moon "Supermoon" at 2 degrees, 10 minutes of Capricorn
"Supermoon" means the moon is very close to the Earth. No other full moon this year will be as close as this one is. This is a full supermoon! Feeling romantic, anyone? Feeling emotional? Feeling FULL? This is an interesting full moon, as there is quite an interesting mix of planetary energies blending with the full moon theme of COMPLETION. We began this lunar cycle with the new moon in Gemini on June 8th. The energies around what was begun at that time have been building up to this climax. Now is the time where we get the first glimpse of whether our plans are succeeding or failing, and it is through our relationships that we will come to learn the necessary lessons about why we are succeeding or falling short. The moon is in Capricorn, which is not the easiest sign for the moon to transit, and she is approaching powerful and transformational Pluto. The word CONTROL comes to mind when I tune-in to this influence. With such a powerful full super moon partnering-up with volcanic Pluto, I get the sense that emotions might be controlled in order to keep some eruptions from occurring. But the more we clamp down, the worse the explosion will be. This same moon is ruling the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Cancer. Cancer wants to cry and get it all out, but the Capricorn planets want to push feelings to the side and "get down to business." Capricorn is comfortable with the tangible world, but very uncomfortable with the chaotic, non-rational world of feelings. As always during an opposition like one that occurs between the moon and sun during the time of the full moon, the two poles seek integration in order to experience a greater wholeness. Our Cancer parts can feel, and our Capricorn parts can bring some structure and grounding to the watery out-pourings so that we don't drown. Both signs represent THE PARENT ARCHETYPES OF MOTHER (Cancer) AND FATHER (Capricorn), and there may be some awareness of the necessity to re-parent parts of ourselves in terms of how we relate to our feelings and emotions. Pluto always symbolizes the potential for deep catharsis and healing, and this might be one of those times when we get to let go of the control and let ourselves be loved back into the experience of wholeness. There is a GRAND TRINE supporting a healing flow of energy between our conscious and subconscious selves. Both the sun and moon are in harmonious aspects with the trine between Neptune (universal love) and Saturn (ego). We are being given a graceful nudge to let more of Spirit into our day-to-day lives, to let more compassionate awareness in, to let more of our ideals become a reality. All this is being activated very close after the SUMMER SOLSTICE. The message I hear in all this is that in order to bring who we are fully into the world, fully into the LIGHT OF DAY, we must also acknowledge, honor and heal the wounding we have been carrying in the darkness. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and when we let ourselves be loved, we can see this truth ever so clearly in the "light" of the full moon. Wherever you may be on your journey of manifesting your dreams, whether you feel you are on course or feel your efforts are coming-up short, remember that the new moon in two weeks is symbolic of the truth that you can always begin again. If you so choose, each day, each moment of each day, can be a brand new beginning. Try again.
~ Old Sage
Thank you again Nick for this wonderful and quite right on interpretation.
ReplyDeleteI have been working quite a bit with this energy combo for a while...emot. centered and my natal moon in Cancer. Tears? Emot. release? Oh yeah!
I am going to see my BF in CA in s couple days....he is Cancer sun, and moon and his natal merc. in Cancer!! He is an emot. centered (like, d'uh right?!) old soul server. I think he may be my 'stand-in' TC, as my "official" server TC is a guide.
Thanks again and BLESSINGS to you!
~Mari Lynn
Hey, Mari Lynn! I had quite an emotional eruption this morning, and it was quite orgasmic-ecstatic! Enjoy your time with your boyfriend. Let the emotions FLOW.
Thank you again Nick for this wonderful and quite right on interpretation.
ReplyDeleteI have been working quite a bit with this energy combo for a while...emot. centered and my natal moon in Cancer. Tears? Emot. release? Oh yeah!
I am going to see my BF in CA in s couple days....he is Cancer sun, and moon and his natal merc. in Cancer!! He is an emot. centered (like, d'uh right?!) old soul server. I think he may be my 'stand-in' TC, as my "official" server TC is a guide.
Thanks again and BLESSINGS to you!
~Mari Lynn
You're very welcome!!!