Monday, March 26, 2012

"PLAYING WITH FIRE!" ~ Energy Forecast for March 26-April 1

Dynamite!  That might be a way to describe the energy of the week ahead.  This could play out in several ways, of course.  One way would have you enjoying some exciting adventures in terms of new potential relationships, new sparks of creativity, new awareness of yourselves and how fabulous you are and new paths to pursue.  But the other way this energy could erupt is through accidents, conflict, impulsiveness and excess.  Spring has arrived, and that irrepressible life-force wants an outlet.  Breathe deep into this new beginning and give yourself some time to reflect on how best to channel this boost of energy and inspiration.  You will have plenty of time to work out all the details.  In fact, Rome was not built in a day!  Have fun this week, and remember playing with fire can be long as you don't get burned!  Blessings, fellow travelers!
~ Old Sage

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"GROWING PAINS" ~ Tarot Healing Msg for March 5-11

It seems we are all under some kind of stress this week.  We have taken on a great deal of burden somewhere along the way...whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.  There is a stress, a strain.  The good news is that we have taken on more because in recent weeks and months, WE HAVE GROWN.  We can now handle more than we could before.  Some of us who had been hiding from life, have now jumped back into the dance.  We find ourselves stretching and trying out our new wings, experimenting, playing...and yes, sometimes taking on more than we can chew on!  This is ok.  Just as easily as we took on the burden, we can release it.  Our freedom and release is in a simple shift in perspective.  We have grown and become more.  We will always be sorting through exactly who we are and what it is that we want to do and create next.  Let's remember that it is ALWAYS OUR CHOICE.  What do we really want?  What really matters?  There.  Relax and be at peace.

~ Old Sage