Monday, March 21, 2011


Focus.  Intensity.  Thought.  Idea.  Power of the mind to make distinctions, to divide, to separate what is real from what is false.  Truth.  Belief.  Everything rests on this.  Can you see with clarity?  Can you be brutally honest with yourself and about how you feel?  Your ability to be honest with yourself is a powerful tool to unlock greater avenues and pathways for the expression of your wholeness.  Look deeply at your life.  Where are the lies hidden?  What is the truth about you?  What is the truth about your life?  What thoughts and ideas are holding you back from being your TRUE SELF?  Now is the time to see with clarity what must stay and what must go.  Be compassionate as you use the power of your mind to bring greater clarity and awareness to every aspect of your life.  You are the master of your fate.  You are the Queen sitting on her throne.  You get to say "yes" or to say "no."  All of the creative force of the Universe is at your disposal.    See clearly the truth of your being.  You are the chooser.  You are responsible.  If it's going to change, you will be the one to change it.  This week, TRUTH will set you free.

~ Old Sage

Friday, March 18, 2011


THE GREAT MYSTERY.  This is where my Reiki practice leads me over and over again.  It leads me HOME...back to my own mysterious Self.  Sometimes, like today, I don't even consciously intend to connect with Reiki; I simply find myself experiencing the deep waves of subtle vibrations and well-being coursing through me as I am pulled into a profound meditation of BEING...and I rest here for a moment.  It is as if there is a spontaneous turning inward that leads me back to the ground of my BEING.  And then I seek to find words to express what cannot be expressed.  I want to say something about what the Reiki path has done for me, but all I can seem to manage in this moment is...GREAT MYSTERY...GREAT MYSTERY.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Inner Teachings.  What is your truth?  The inner teacher downloads messages directly into your heart-of-knowing.  Wisdom.  Understanding.  Teaching and learning.  The 5 of humanity.  5 revealing the quintessence.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  There is more going on here than meets the eye.  Sink down into your depths and LISTEN.  It is not enough to KNOW.  We must ACT ON WHAT WE KNOW.  Then Spirit is embodied.  Experience is our teacher.  Nothing to do but dive into life.  Live and learn.  There are teachers everywhere.  The heart can hear them.  LISTEN.  Find some time to be still this week and LISTEN.  Sort out your truths from others' truths.  You have come far along your path.  What does it all mean?  This week you will come to new meanings and truths about what you are learning and teaching.  You are a teacher.  You are a student.  Open to the teachings of your heart.  You will receive guidance.  Remain centered and open as inner teachings pour into your heart.  Each choice can be made from a depth of wisdom.  This week let the Hierophant guide you HOME into the WHOLENESS OF BEING and BECOMING.

~ Old Sage

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Illumination.  The Being Becoming.  The rose petals opening.  YOU blossoming.  Spark.  Lightning.  Fire.  Awakening.  You are deeply attuned to YOU.  Essence.  Awareness.  New Perceptions.  Pay attention.  The fire is burning...transforming your external life from the inside of your passions out.  Trust this process.  You will be inspired and awakened.  This is a new path of potential unfolding beneath your feet.  This is new awareness.  New energy.  All that is within you is finding its way into the world.  See/feel/touch this new energy spiraling upwards from deep within you and out through your body, igniting relationships, projects, future goals, and fire-dancing into the world.  You have a new vision taking shape.  Ride it into the future while staying present to every magnificent moment along the way.  This is the Ace of Wands.  This is the key to wholeness this week.  Trust the process.  Trust this spirit-energy moving you forward.

~Old Sage

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I had been limited by my attachment to a specific form that I thought I needed in order to fulfill my purpose.  I constantly tried to find that ever elusive "thing" that would allow me to express my sense of purpose and be fulfilled.  Now, I am seeing that this attachment to a specific form kept me from communing with and living my purpose.  Spirit said to me, "Your purpose is not a form.  It is a quality, a state of being, a way or a path-way that links you consciously to your soul's evolution.  The purpose IS the path.There will be many forms that reflect your ever evolving sense of purpose.  Your joy is in walking the path and en-joying  the constant re-creation of forms that reflect your steady movement forward."

~Old Sage