Monday, June 20, 2011

"ENJOY YOUR BEING AND BECOMING" - Tarot Healing Message for JUNE 20-26

CHANGE.  OPPORTUNITY.  EXPANSION. CREATIVITY.  This week the Wheel of Fortune signals a time of much activity and shifting sands in your external reality.  Do you see your fortunes as rising or falling?  Do you label the events of life as good or bad?  Truly, all experience is neutral until you give it meaning.  Though it may sometimes appear as if a momentum is carrying you along to some kind of destiny that you have not chosen, you always have the power to CHOOSE HOW YOU RESPOND TO EVENTS.  Take a deep breath, and allow yourself to experience the center of your being.  Choose to remain centered within your higher perspective.  Choose to see POSSIBILITY and OPPORTUNITY within every experience and in the world around you.  Choose ACCEPTANCE and PEACE...come what may.  There will never be a time when you will not face change.  So, embrace it, and hold to the center of the wheel of life.  Go ahead and let yourself experience a calm and trust in life's unfolding that can only come when you are at the center of your BEING and BECOMING.  With every turn of the wheel, life is giving you the opportunity to experience more of your PERFECTION and WHOLENESS.  Go can smile, laugh out loud and be in awe at the mystery of life...the mystery of you.  It is more than okay to ENJOY EVERY EXQUISITE MOMENT OF YOUR BEING AND BECOMING.

~ Old Sage

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