Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013 ~ Lunar Reflections ~ Super Full Moon in Aquarius

July 22 ~ Super Full Moon at 00 degrees, 5 minutes of Aquarius

The energies have reached their peak at this Full Moon in Aquarius.  The month of July has been a watery and dreamy month.  Emotions, nurturing and intimate bonding have taken the lead, as the Sun and many other planets have been traveling through the intuitive sign of Cancer.  We have moved past the climax of the days' light, which was reflected by the Solstice, and now we are moving into longer and longer nights.  We are fast approaching harvest time, which is also a theme during the time of the Full Moon.  Full Moons bring COMPLETIONS, CLOSURE, AWARENESS and ILLUMINATION.  At the Full Moon, we either see the harvest of our previous actions, or we see failure and collapse of our plans and relationships.  It is a time of great feeling and emotion, for good or bad.  But if we can allow ourselves to move into our higher perspectives, to detach from the overly-personalized and dramatic ways of looking at the events that can occur during this lunar phase, then we can be illuminated and enlightened about the "mistakes" of yesterday and the potentials of tomorrow.  The Full Moon in Aquarius brings even more of an emphasis on illumination and enlightenment.  Aquarius is the sign of the rebel, the eccentric, the genius, the bringer of knowledge that will help to enlighten collective consciousness.  Aquarius is highly intuitive and regularly receives flashes of brilliant insight that help it to envision more fulfilling futures for all.  Aquarius wants freedom from cultural conditioning and the status-quo.  It wants to become fully individualized and to manifest its unique self in the world.  It knows that being true to itself is the best way to support the collective in moving forward.  At this time, your own uniqueness will be calling for your embrace and love.  You will be getting many intuitive flashes of awareness that help you to see yourself with more clarity.  Friendship is very important to Aquarius, as well, and this time will emphasize becoming more aware of your TRIBE and those people and groups where there is mutual acceptance and encouragement for being authentic and real.  You may be made more aware of just how different you are from some others around you, especially if those others are asleep and following the false security of cultural conditioning and imprinting.  This is a time to celebrate your eccentricities, for your eccentricities are a part of your genius!  Saturn (hard-work) is squaring the Sun and Moon and supporting us in getting real about our unique gifts:  how we have already shared them and how we will continue to share them in the future.  And the Grand Water-Trine (which peaked last Wednesday) is continuing to support us, as well.  This Grand Trine would be underscoring the potential for greater intuitive and psychic awareness of how and where we will be channeling our gifts in the near future.  If you find yourself disappointed with the results of your efforts at this time, feel the feelings, but don't over-indulge or wallow in them, or you might might miss a very supportive stream of information coming to you from your INNER SELF.  So let it go and breathe deep into the NOW.  Give yourself a moment to relax, receive all the connections and ENJOY BEING YOU.  You will be able to begin again with new awareness two weeks from now at the New Moon in Leo.

~ Old Sage

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