In our heart-of-hearts, we know a deep change has taken place, and that we cannot go back. The SHIFT has already happened. Now, it is time for our minds to become emblazoned with the NEW TRUTH and LIGHT OF INSPIRATION and POSITIVE POTENTIAL FOR THE FUTURE. This is what will carry us through into new territory, as we close-out 2012. December will be a month of paradox. We will be feeling the positive and buoyant expectancy that Sagittarius brings, as the Sun is already in this sign, and Mercury and Venus move into this sign on the 10th and 15th, respectively. The NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS ON THE 13th underscores this heightened sense of FUTURE POSSIBILITY and a more EXPANSIVE PERSPECTIVE on where we are headed. The mind will be caught up in a wave of NEW MOMENTUM, as it awakens to NEW INTUITIVE INFORMATION. Soon after the new moon, URANUS STATIONS DIRECT. Uranus has been appearing to move backward in the sky since July 13th, and during this time, our urge for FREEDOM and AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION OF OUR TRUE NATURES has been more focused within. We have been doing a great deal of soul-searching around who we are becoming, and what structures we may need to break-away from in order to continue our evolution. As Uranus turns directs and moves forward in the coming months, many of us will break-away from established routines and realities that no longer support the direction in which we are headed. The first part of the month looks to be full of this expectancy and renewed hope for these sensed future possibilities that will be unfolding in 2013. However, the WINTER SOLSTICE ON DECEMBER 21st will bring another shift in awareness. Of course, this is the long awaited date that many have seen as a turning point in our collective reality, where we will irrevocably move into a new paradigm which will allow us to evolve more quickly into a place of peace, equality and universal love. My sense is that this time will come with a deep feeling of RESPONSIBILITY. This shift does not mark a magical time where we do not have to do the work ourselves. It is quite the opposite. This shift is about KNOWING THAT WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR CREATIONS. This truth may be quite frightening for some of us, until we realize this knowledge is our release into a new application of POWER and CONFIDENCE to move forward and shape our shared realities how we see fit. Toward the end of December, we will all get an opportunity to make a deeper commitment to FEAR or LOVE, and which direction we choose will quickly be played out in 2013 and beyond. CHOOSE LOVE. CHOOSE CELEBRATION OF ALL LIFE. CHOOSE FRIENDSHIP AND DEEPER INTIMACY WITH ALL OTHERS. CHOOSE COMPASSION. If we choose wisely, we will watch our world transform into a deeply fulfilling expression of our collective soul. Happy holidays, everyone, and may the celebrations at hand carry us forward into a new and wondrous future!
* Dec 10 ~ Mercury in Sagittarius
* Dec 13 ~ New Moon in Sagittarius
* Dec 13 ~ Uranus Stations Direct in Aries
* Dec 15 ~ Venus in Sagittarius
* Dec 21 ~ Winter Solstice, Sun in Capricorn
* Dec 28 ~ Full Moon in Cancer
* Dec 30 ~ Mercury in Capricorn
~ Blessings, Cosmic Travelers
Divine Explorer